Saturday, February 27, 2010

Caprica - I'm waiting...and waiting...and waiting...

Caprica is the new series that attempts to rebirth yet another Battlestar Galactica saga. It focuses on the Graystones and the Adamas and the creation of the uber-bad mechanical cylons. The potential for a new epic science fiction saga is there, yet an ignominiously painful wait is ahead for anyone interested in the action and excitement that was the bread and butter of the first two series. One cylon has made an appearance so far and is disappointingly inhabited by the digital version of Zoe Graystone, the dead teenage daughter of Daniel Graystone, CEO of a Caprican conglomerate. The Adamas are pseudo criminals, and so far the worst crimes they have committed have been breaking windows and playing hookie. Caprica seems well written and is well acted, but now on episode five has yet to put out. It seems instead to have turned into a rather boring primetime spacey soap opera. I don't know how much more teen angst and family drama I can suffer through before cylons start annihilating Capricans. I was looking forward to this series but as the weeks have past I have been left napping and wondering when Luke and Laura are going to make a surprise appearance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Jon,

I was looking for some of my Busenbark relatives (My great grandfather was TB Busenbark who lived in Roseburg...I grew up in Melrose and our family the Reece's owned the Melrose Store from the 1930's through the 1970's) and I stumbled on your blog because of Googling "Busenbark" and got the hit of Bryce Busenbark who I am sure is like a second cousin of mine. My maiden name was Judith Reece and I graduated Roseburg High in '73'. I am just commenting on your blog because of that and also because my husband and I are HUGE SG-1 fans and all the stuff you said about watching the show is SO us. We are also big Sci-Fi fans and watch or have watched every show you mentioned. I just wanted to say that scifi is not just a show because communities of fans grow up around these series'. We were big fans of Farscape and we were part of conventions all over the country for a while. It was great to meet other fans and make lifelong friends. We are planning to go to GateCon in Vancouver BC this summer in July and you really should check it out.

Anyway nice to hear you like SG-1 as much as we do. We had bought some of the DVD's but found out Hulu was carrying all the seasons so like you we are watching them. We just got through with Season 5 and Ive told my hubby we have to slow down to two or three eps a week now!

Here is my email if you want to get hold of us:

Have a good one..I love your art!!!