Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Running With Scissors

What is up with the bicycle and triathalon blogs? I mean really. I don't ride a bike. I have the knowledge but not the willpower. I am not even interested in bicycling, swimming, or running. Hell I try not to even acknowledge the bicycle I own even exists. So why, when I am blog surfing, would I want to read articles about bicycles? Not just one or two but blog after blog on the topic. I think I would rather read about some under-appreciated housewife and what her kids have been up to this morning. Then there is the issue of wardrobe. No one, and I stress NO ONE wants to see me in spandex. I am also pretty sure there is a law in most states which prohibits me from wearing it in the first place. So I will continue to ignore my bike and will again this year annihilate any thoughts of entering the ironman, Bloomsday or the Tour de France. These images pretty much sum me up (socks with sandals included):

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